G2L® Window Systems
Our Story
our story
In the spring of 2004, University of Arkansas legendary Athletic Director, Frank Broyles, became concerned with the game-day experience of his suite holders. The loud and raucous noise of crowd noise of 72,000 fans funneled into suites through a seven-inch ceiling speaker.
Coach Broyles called upon RGC Glass, Inc. to design a window system, offering a true game-viewing experience. His one request of an unobstructed, wide-open view brought the design of G2L® Window Systems.
frameless, open air design
Maximized Gameday Experience
Remarkable Service at a Comfortable Price
G2L® Window Systems
Our Design
Our design
Countless hours of design and environmental testing led to a high-quality window system. The G2L® Window System is free of mullions, obstructive hardware, and electrical components; a vision allowing an end-user to open or close their windows without consequence. The affordability of the design is highlighted by the low maintenance and installations costs.
Our personalized window systems for the University of Arkansas led to many more inquiries and facilities with athletic directors and architects around the country. View our projects.
Our product design combined with our transparent mission provides remarkable service at an affordable price. We will continue to develop our product and provide a generous, authentic business relationship with our clients for years to come.